
61 lines
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# wallust configuration - for wallust version 3.0
# How the image is parse, in order to get the colors:
# full - resized - wal - thumb - fastresize - kmeans
backend = "kmeans"
# What color space to use to produce and select the most prominent colors:
# lab - labmixed - lch - lchmixed
color_space = "labmixed"
# NOTE: All filters will fill 16 colors (from color0 to color15), 16 color
# variations are the 'ilusion' of more colors by opaquing color1 to color5.
# Use the most prominent colors in a way that makes sense, a scheme:
# * dark - 8 dark colors, dark background and light contrast
# * dark16 - Same as `dark` but uses the 16 colors trick
# * harddark - Same as `dark` with hard hue colors
# * harddark16 - Harddark with 16 color variation
# * light - Light bg, dark fg
# * light16 - Same as `light` but uses the 16 color trick
# * softdark - Variant of softlight, uses the lightest colors and a dark
# background (could be interpreted as `dark` inversed)
# * softdark16 - softdark with 16 color variation
# * softlight - Light with soft pastel colors, counterpart of `harddark`
# * softlight16 - softlight with 16 color variation
palette = "dark16"
# Difference between similar colors, used by the colorspace:
# 1 Not perceptible by human eyes.
# 1 - 2 Perceptible through close observation.
# 2 - 10 Perceptible at a glance.
# 11 - 49 Colors are more similar than opposite
# 100 Colors are exact opposite
threshold = 11
cava.template = 'colors-cava'
cava.target = '~/.config/cava/config'
hypr.template = 'colors-hyprland.conf'
hypr.target = '~/.config/hypr/wallust/wallust-hyprland.conf'
rofi.template = 'colors-rofi.rasi'
rofi.target = '~/.config/rofi/wallust/colors-rofi.rasi'
waybar.template = 'colors-waybar.css'
waybar.target = '~/.config/waybar/wallust/colors-waybar.css'
kitty.template = 'colors-kitty.conf'
kitty.target = '~/.config/kitty/kitty-colors.conf'
#swaync.template = 'colors-swaync.css'
#swaync.target = '~/.config/swaync/wallust/colors-wallust.css'
#macchina.template = 'colors-macchina.toml'
#macchina.target = '~/.config/macchina/themes/wallust.toml'
#wezterm.template = 'colors-wezterm.toml'
#wezterm.target = '~/.config/wezterm/colors/wallust.toml'
#zathura.template = 'colors-zathura'
#zathura.target = '~/.config/zathura/zathurarc'