/* Waybar Workspaces modules */ /* Generally, this is a potential expanding of choices for hyprland/workspace */ // HYPRLAND WORKSPACES. CHOOSE as desired and place on waybar configs { // CIRCLES Style "hyprland/workspaces": { "active-only": false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format-icons": { "active": "", "default": "", }, }, // ROMAN Numerals style "hyprland/workspaces#roman": { "active-only": false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format-icons": { "1": "I", "2": "II", "3": "III", "4": "IV", "5": "V", "6": "VI", "7": "VII", "8": "VIII", "9": "IX", "10": "X", }, }, // PACMAN Style "hyprland/workspaces#pacman": { "active-only": false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "show-special": false, "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format": "{icon}", "format-icons": { "active": "󰮯", "empty": "", "default": "󰊠", }, }, // Kanji / Japanese style "hyprland/workspaces#kanji": { "disable-scroll": true, "show-special": false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format-icons": { "1": "一", "2": "二", "3": "三", "4": "四", "5": "五", "6": "六", "7": "七", "8": "八", "9": "九", "10": "十", } }, // for Camilla or Spanish "hyprland/workspaces#cam": { "active-only":false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format-icons": { "1": "Uno", "2": "Due", "3": "Tre", "4": "Quattro", "5": "Cinque", "6":"Sei", "7":"Sette", "8":"Otto", "9":"Nove", "10":"Dieci" } }, // NUMBERS and ICONS style "hyprland/workspaces#4": { "format": "{name}", "format": " {name} {icon} ", //"format": " {icon} ", "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "all-outputs": true, "sort-by-number": true, "format-icons": { "1": " ", "2": " ", "3": " ", "4": " ", "5": " ", "6": " ", "7": "", "8": " ", "9": "", "10": "10", "focused": "", "default": "", }, }, // numbers styles "hyprland/workspaces#numbers": { "active-only": false, "all-outputs": true, "format": "{icon}", "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format-icons": { "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "10": "10", }, }, // NUMBERS and ICONS style with window rewrite "hyprland/workspaces#rw": { "disable-scroll": true, "all-outputs": true, "warp-on-scroll": false, "sort-by-number": true, "show-special": false, "on-click": "activate", "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1", "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1", "persistent-workspaces": { "*": 5 }, "format": "{icon} {windows}", "format-window-separator": " ", "window-rewrite-default": " ", "window-rewrite": { "title<.*youtube.*>": " ", "title<.*amazon.*>": " ", "title<.*reddit.*>": " ", "title<.*Picture-in-Picture.*>": " ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class<[Ss]potify>": " ", "class": "󰨞 ", "class": "󰝰 ", "class<[Tt]hunderbird|[Tt]hunderbird-esr>": " ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": "󰅳 ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": "󰎆 ", "class": " ", "class<.virt-manager-wrapped>": " ", "class": "󰅩 ", "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": "󰏆 ", "class": " ", "class": "󰒃 ", "class": " ", "class": "󰰷 ", //Zen Browser "class": " ", "class": " ", "class": "󰕼 " } }, }