#!/bin/bash # For disabling touchpad. # Edit the Touchpad_Device on ~/.config/hypr/UserConfigs/Laptops.conf according to your system # use hyprctl devices to get your system touchpad device name # source https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/discussions/4283?sort=new#discussioncomment-8648109 notif="$HOME/.config/swaync/images/ja.png" export STATUS_FILE="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/touchpad.status" enable_touchpad() { printf "true" >"$STATUS_FILE" notify-send -u low -i $notif " Enabling" " touchpad" hyprctl keyword '$TOUCHPAD_ENABLED' "true" -r } disable_touchpad() { printf "false" >"$STATUS_FILE" notify-send -u low -i $notif " Disabling" " touchpad" hyprctl keyword '$TOUCHPAD_ENABLED' "false" -r } if ! [ -f "$STATUS_FILE" ]; then enable_touchpad else if [ $(cat "$STATUS_FILE") = "true" ]; then disable_touchpad elif [ $(cat "$STATUS_FILE") = "false" ]; then enable_touchpad fi fi