#!/usr/bin/env python3 # weather using python import subprocess from pyquery import PyQuery # install using `pip install pyquery` import json import os # original code https://gist.github.com/Surendrajat/ff3876fd2166dd86fb71180f4e9342d7 # weather icons weather_icons = { "sunnyDay": "󰖙", "clearNight": "󰖔", "cloudyFoggyDay": "", "cloudyFoggyNight": "", "rainyDay": "", "rainyNight": "", "snowyIcyDay": "", "snowyIcyNight": "", "severe": "", "default": "", } # get location_id # to get your own location_id, go to https://weather.com & search your location. # once you choose your location, you can see the location_id in the URL(64 chars long hex string) # like this: https://weather.com/en-PH/weather/today/l/bca47d1099e762a012b9a139c36f30a0b1e647f69c0c4ac28b537e7ae9c1c200 location_id = "bca47d1099e762a012b9a139c36f30a0b1e647f69c0c4ac28b537e7ae9c1c200" # TODO # NOTE to change to deg F, change the URL to your preffered location after weather.com # Default is English-Philippines with Busan, South Korea as location_id # get html page url = "https://weather.com/en-PH/weather/today/l/" + location_id html_data = PyQuery(url=url) # current temperature temp = html_data("span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']").eq(0).text() # print(temp) # current status phrase status = html_data("div[data-testid='wxPhrase']").text() status = f"{status[:16]}.." if len(status) > 17 else status # print(status) # status code status_code = html_data("#regionHeader").attr("class").split(" ")[2].split("-")[2] # print(status_code) # status icon icon = ( weather_icons[status_code] if status_code in weather_icons else weather_icons["default"] ) # print(icon) # temperature feels like temp_feel = html_data( "div[data-testid='FeelsLikeSection'] > span > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']" ).text() temp_feel_text = f"Feels like {temp_feel}c" # print(temp_feel_text) # min-max temperature temp_min = ( html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']") .eq(1) .text() ) temp_max = ( html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']") .eq(0) .text() ) temp_min_max = f" {temp_min}\t\t {temp_max}" # print(temp_min_max) # wind speed wind_speed = html_data("span[data-testid='Wind']").text().split("\n")[1] wind_text = f" {wind_speed}" # print(wind_text) # humidity humidity = html_data("span[data-testid='PercentageValue']").text() humidity_text = f" {humidity}" # print(humidity_text) # visibility visbility = html_data("span[data-testid='VisibilityValue']").text() visbility_text = f" {visbility}" # print(visbility_text) # air quality index air_quality_index = html_data("text[data-testid='DonutChartValue']").text() # print(air_quality_index) # hourly rain prediction prediction = html_data("section[aria-label='Hourly Forecast']")( "div[data-testid='SegmentPrecipPercentage'] > span" ).text() prediction = prediction.replace("Chance of Rain", "") prediction = f"\n\n (hourly) {prediction}" if len(prediction) > 0 else prediction # print(prediction) # tooltip text tooltip_text = str.format( "\t\t{}\t\t\n{}\n{}\n{}\n\n{}\n{}\n{}{}", f'{temp}', f" {icon}", f"{status}", f"{temp_feel_text}", f"{temp_min_max}", f"{wind_text}\t{humidity_text}", f"{visbility_text}\tAQI {air_quality_index}", f" {prediction}", ) # print waybar module data out_data = { "text": f"{icon} {temp}", "alt": status, "tooltip": tooltip_text, "class": status_code, } print(json.dumps(out_data)) simple_weather =f"{icon} {status}\n" + \ f" {temp} ({temp_feel_text})\n" + \ f"{wind_text} \n" + \ f"{humidity_text} \n" + \ f"{visbility_text} AQI{air_quality_index}\n" try: with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/.weather_cache"), "w") as file: file.write(simple_weather) except: pass