#!/bin/bash # Wallpaper Effects using ImageMagick (SUPER SHIFT W) # Variables terminal=kitty wallpaper_current="$HOME/.config/hypr/wallpaper_effects/.wallpaper_current" wallpaper_output="$HOME/.config/hypr/wallpaper_effects/.wallpaper_modified" SCRIPTSDIR="$HOME/.config/hypr/scripts" focused_monitor=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') rofi_theme="~/.config/rofi/config-wallpaper-effect.rasi" # Directory for swaync iDIR="$HOME/.config/swaync/images" iDIRi="$HOME/.config/swaync/icons" # swww transition config FPS=60 TYPE="wipe" DURATION=2 BEZIER=".43,1.19,1,.4" SWWW_PARAMS="--transition-fps $FPS --transition-type $TYPE --transition-duration $DURATION" # Define ImageMagick effects declare -A effects=( ["No Effects"]="no-effects" ["Black & White"]="magick $wallpaper_current -colorspace gray -sigmoidal-contrast 10,40% $wallpaper_output" ["Blurred"]="magick $wallpaper_current -blur 0x10 $wallpaper_output" ["Charcoal"]="magick $wallpaper_current -charcoal 0x5 $wallpaper_output" ["Edge Detect"]="magick $wallpaper_current -edge 1 $wallpaper_output" ["Emboss"]="magick $wallpaper_current -emboss 0x5 $wallpaper_output" ["Frame Raised"]="magick $wallpaper_current +raise 150 $wallpaper_output" ["Frame Sunk"]="magick $wallpaper_current -raise 150 $wallpaper_output" ["Negate"]="magick $wallpaper_current -negate $wallpaper_output" ["Oil Paint"]="magick $wallpaper_current -paint 4 $wallpaper_output" ["Posterize"]="magick $wallpaper_current -posterize 4 $wallpaper_output" ["Polaroid"]="magick $wallpaper_current -polaroid 0 $wallpaper_output" ["Sepia Tone"]="magick $wallpaper_current -sepia-tone 65% $wallpaper_output" ["Solarize"]="magick $wallpaper_current -solarize 80% $wallpaper_output" ["Sharpen"]="magick $wallpaper_current -sharpen 0x5 $wallpaper_output" ["Vignette"]="magick $wallpaper_current -vignette 0x3 $wallpaper_output" ["Vignette-black"]="magick $wallpaper_current -background black -vignette 0x3 $wallpaper_output" ["Zoomed"]="magick $wallpaper_current -gravity Center -extent 1:1 $wallpaper_output" ) # Function to apply no effects no-effects() { swww img -o "$focused_monitor" "$wallpaper_current" $SWWW_PARAMS && wait $! wallust run "$wallpaper_current" -s && wait $! # Refresh rofi, waybar, wallust palettes sleep 2 "$SCRIPTSDIR/Refresh.sh" notify-send -u low -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "No wallpaper" "effects applied" # copying wallpaper for rofi menu cp "$wallpaper_current" "$wallpaper_output" } # Function to run rofi menu main() { # Populate rofi menu options options=("No Effects") for effect in "${!effects[@]}"; do [[ "$effect" != "No Effects" ]] && options+=("$effect") done choice=$(printf "%s\n" "${options[@]}" | LC_COLLATE=C sort | rofi -dmenu -i -config $rofi_theme) # Process user choice if [[ -n "$choice" ]]; then if [[ "$choice" == "No Effects" ]]; then no-effects elif [[ "${effects[$choice]+exists}" ]]; then # Apply selected effect notify-send -u normal -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "Applying:" "$choice effects" eval "${effects[$choice]}" sleep 1 swww img -o "$focused_monitor" "$wallpaper_output" $SWWW_PARAMS & sleep 2 wallust run "$wallpaper_output" -s & sleep 1 # Refresh rofi, waybar, wallust palettes "${SCRIPTSDIR}/Refresh.sh" notify-send -u low -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "$choice" "effects applied" else echo "Effect '$choice' not recognized." fi fi } # Check if rofi is already running and kill it if pidof rofi > /dev/null; then pkill rofi fi main sleep 1 # Check if user selected a wallpaper if [[ -n "$choice" ]]; then sddm_sequoia="/usr/share/sddm/themes/sequoia_2" if [ -d "$sddm_sequoia" ]; then notify-send -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "Set wallpaper" "as SDDM background?" \ -t 10000 \ -A "yes=Yes" \ -A "no=No" \ -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:wallpaper-notify # Wait for user input using dbus-monitor dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='ActionInvoked'" | while read -r line; do if echo "$line" | grep -q "yes"; then # Check if terminal exists if ! command -v "$terminal" &>/dev/null; then notify-send -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "Missing $terminal" "Install $terminal to enable setting of wallpaper background" exit 1 fi $terminal -e bash -c "echo 'Enter your password to set wallpaper as SDDM Background'; \ sudo cp -r $wallpaper_output '$sddm_sequoia/backgrounds/default' && \ notify-send -i '$iDIR/ja.png' 'SDDM' 'Background SET'" break elif echo "$line" | grep -q "no"; then echo "Wallpaper not set as SDDM background. Exiting." break fi done & fi fi