/* Rofi Style 11 - Windows 11 List Light */ /* source: https://github.com/newmanls */ /* Integrating Wallust and More tweaks */ /* ---- Configuration ---- */ configuration { dpi: 1; show-icons: true; hover-select: true; me-select-entry: "MouseSecondary"; me-accept-entry: "MousePrimary"; } /*****----- Global Properties -----*****/ * { bg0 : #ffffff80; bg1 : #f9f9f9bf; bg2 : #f7f7f7; bg3 : #fefefebf; fg0 : #1a1a1a; fg1 : #5f5f5f; accent : #005fb8; urgent : @accent; background-color : transparent; text-color : @fg0; margin : 0; padding : 0; spacing : 0; } /*****-- Elements Font Size -----*****/ element-text { font: "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font SemiBold 12"; } element-icon, element-text, scrollbar { cursor: pointer; } window { location : south; width : 40%; height : 50%; y-offset : -10px; background-color : @bg1; border-radius : 8px; } mainbox { padding : 24px; spacing : 24px; } inputbar { padding : 8px; spacing : 4px; children : [ icon-search, entry ]; border : 0 0 2px 0 solid; border-color : @accent; border-radius : 2px; background-color : @bg0; } icon-search, entry, element-icon, element-text { vertical-align: 0.5; } icon-search { expand : false; filename : "search-symbolic"; size : 24px; } entry { placeholder : "Search 👀 NOTE: CTRL TAB to change MODE"; text-color : @fg1; horizontal-align : 0.5; } listview { columns : 2; spacing : 8px; fixed-height : true; fixed-columns : true; } element { spacing : 1em; padding : 8px; border-radius : 2px; } element normal urgent { text-color: @urgent; } element normal active { text-color: @accent; } element alternate active { text-color: @accent; } element selected active { text-color: @accent; } element selected { background-color: @bg3; } element selected urgent { background-color: @urgent; } element-icon { size: 1.5em; } element-text { text-color: inherit; } /* ---- Scrollbar ---- */ scrollbar { border: 0px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: inherit; handle-color: @accent; handle-width: 1px ; padding: 0; } /*****----- Message -----*****/ error-message { padding: 20px; } textbox { padding : 10px; background-color : @bg0; text-color : @fg0; vertical-align : 0.5; horizontal-align : 0.5; }