#!/bin/bash # Wallust Colors for current wallpaper # Define the path to the swww cache directory cache_dir="$HOME/.cache/swww/" # Get a list of monitor outputs monitor_outputs=($(ls "$cache_dir")) # Initialize a flag to determine if the ln command was executed ln_success=false # Get current focused monitor current_monitor=$(hyprctl monitors | awk '/^Monitor/{name=$2} /focused: yes/{print name}') echo $current_monitor # Construct the full path to the cache file cache_file="$cache_dir$current_monitor" echo $cache_file # Check if the cache file exists for the current monitor output if [ -f "$cache_file" ]; then # Get the wallpaper path from the cache file wallpaper_path=$(grep -v 'Lanczos3' "$cache_file" | head -n 1) echo $wallpaper_path # symlink the wallpaper to the location Rofi can access if ln -sf "$wallpaper_path" "$HOME/.config/rofi/.current_wallpaper"; then ln_success=true # Set the flag to true upon successful execution fi # copy the wallpaper for wallpaper effects cp -r "$wallpaper_path" "$HOME/.config/hypr/wallpaper_effects/.wallpaper_current" fi # Check the flag before executing further commands if [ "$ln_success" = true ]; then # execute wallust echo 'about to execute wallust' # execute wallust skipping tty and terminal changes wallust run "$wallpaper_path" -s & fi