#!/bin/bash # For Dark and Light switching # Note: Scripts are looking for keywords Light or Dark except for wallpapers as the are in a separate folders # Paths wallpaper_base_path="$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/Dynamic-Wallpapers" dark_wallpapers="$wallpaper_base_path/Dark" light_wallpapers="$wallpaper_base_path/Light" hypr_config_path="$HOME/.config/hypr" swaync_style="$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" ags_style="$HOME/.config/ags/user/style.css" SCRIPTSDIR="$HOME/.config/hypr/scripts" notif="$HOME/.config/swaync/images/bell.png" wallust_rofi="$HOME/.config/wallust/templates/colors-rofi.rasi" kitty_conf="$HOME/.config/kitty/kitty.conf" wallust_config="$HOME/.config/wallust/wallust.toml" pallete_dark="dark16" pallete_light="light16" # intial kill process for pid in kitty waybar rofi swaync ags swaybg; do killall -SIGUSR1 "$pid" done # Initialize swww if needed swww query || swww-daemon --format xrgb # Set swww options swww="swww img" effect="--transition-bezier .43,1.19,1,.4 --transition-fps 60 --transition-type grow --transition-pos 0.925,0.977 --transition-duration 2" # Determine current theme mode if [ "$(cat $HOME/.cache/.theme_mode)" = "Light" ]; then next_mode="Dark" # Logic for Dark mode wallpaper_path="$dark_wallpapers" else next_mode="Light" # Logic for Light mode wallpaper_path="$light_wallpapers" fi # Function to update theme mode for the next cycle update_theme_mode() { echo "$next_mode" > ~/.cache/.theme_mode } # Function to notify user notify_user() { notify-send -u low -i "$notif" " Switching to" " $1 mode" } # Use sed to replace the palette setting in the wallust config file if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then sed -i 's/^palette = .*/palette = "'"$pallete_dark"'"/' "$wallust_config" else sed -i 's/^palette = .*/palette = "'"$pallete_light"'"/' "$wallust_config" fi # Function to set Waybar style set_waybar_style() { theme="$1" waybar_styles="$HOME/.config/waybar/style" waybar_style_link="$HOME/.config/waybar/style.css" style_prefix="\\[${theme}\\].*\\.css$" style_file=$(find -L "$waybar_styles" -maxdepth 1 -type f -regex ".*$style_prefix" | shuf -n 1) if [ -n "$style_file" ]; then ln -sf "$style_file" "$waybar_style_link" else echo "Style file not found for $theme theme." fi } # Call the function after determining the mode set_waybar_style "$next_mode" notify_user "$next_mode" # swaync color change if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);/' "${swaync_style}" sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg-alt/s/#.*;/#111111;/' "${swaync_style}" else sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);/' "${swaync_style}" sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg-alt/s/#.*;/#F0F0F0;/' "${swaync_style}" fi # ags color change if command -v ags >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);/' "${ags_style}" sed -i '/@define-color text-color/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);/' "${ags_style}" sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg-alt/s/#.*;/#111111;/' "${ags_style}" else sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);/' "${ags_style}" sed -i '/@define-color text-color/s/rgba([0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9]*,\s*[0-9.]*);/rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);/' "${ags_style}" sed -i '/@define-color noti-bg-alt/s/#.*;/#F0F0F0;/' "${ags_style}" fi fi # kitty background color change if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then sed -i '/^foreground /s/^foreground .*/foreground #dddddd/' "${kitty_conf}" sed -i '/^background /s/^background .*/background #000000/' "${kitty_conf}" sed -i '/^cursor /s/^cursor .*/cursor #dddddd/' "${kitty_conf}" else sed -i '/^foreground /s/^foreground .*/foreground #000000/' "${kitty_conf}" sed -i '/^background /s/^background .*/background #dddddd/' "${kitty_conf}" sed -i '/^cursor /s/^cursor .*/cursor #000000/' "${kitty_conf}" fi # Set Dynamic Wallpaper for Dark or Light Mode if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then next_wallpaper="$(find -L "${dark_wallpapers}" -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png" \) -print0 | shuf -n1 -z | xargs -0)" else next_wallpaper="$(find -L "${light_wallpapers}" -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png" \) -print0 | shuf -n1 -z | xargs -0)" fi # Update wallpaper using swww command $swww "${next_wallpaper}" $effect # Set Kvantum Manager theme & QT5/QT6 settings if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then kvantum_theme="catppuccin-mocha-blue" #qt5ct_color_scheme="$HOME/.config/qt5ct/colors/Catppuccin-Mocha.conf" #qt6ct_color_scheme="$HOME/.config/qt6ct/colors/Catppuccin-Mocha.conf" else kvantum_theme="catppuccin-latte-blue" #qt5ct_color_scheme="$HOME/.config/qt5ct/colors/Catppuccin-Latte.conf" #qt6ct_color_scheme="$HOME/.config/qt6ct/colors/Catppuccin-Latte.conf" fi sed -i "s|^color_scheme_path=.*$|color_scheme_path=$qt5ct_color_scheme|" "$HOME/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf" sed -i "s|^color_scheme_path=.*$|color_scheme_path=$qt6ct_color_scheme|" "$HOME/.config/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf" kvantummanager --set "$kvantum_theme" # set the rofi color for background if [ "$next_mode" = "Dark" ]; then sed -i '24s/.*/background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);/' $wallust_rofi else sed -i '24s/.*/background: rgba(255,255,255,0.9);/' $wallust_rofi fi # GTK themes and icons switching set_custom_gtk_theme() { mode=$1 gtk_themes_directory="$HOME/.themes" icon_directory="$HOME/.icons" color_setting="org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme" theme_setting="org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme" icon_setting="org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme" if [ "$mode" == "Light" ]; then search_keywords="*Light*" gsettings set $color_setting 'prefer-light' elif [ "$mode" == "Dark" ]; then search_keywords="*Dark*" gsettings set $color_setting 'prefer-dark' else echo "Invalid mode provided." return 1 fi themes=() icons=() while IFS= read -r -d '' theme_search; do themes+=("$(basename "$theme_search")") done < <(find "$gtk_themes_directory" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname "$search_keywords" -print0) while IFS= read -r -d '' icon_search; do icons+=("$(basename "$icon_search")") done < <(find "$icon_directory" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname "$search_keywords" -print0) if [ ${#themes[@]} -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$mode" == "Dark" ]; then selected_theme=${themes[RANDOM % ${#themes[@]}]} else selected_theme=${themes[$RANDOM % ${#themes[@]}]} fi echo "Selected GTK theme for $mode mode: $selected_theme" gsettings set $theme_setting "$selected_theme" # Flatpak GTK apps (themes) if command -v flatpak &> /dev/null; then flatpak --user override --filesystem=$HOME/.themes sleep 0.5 flatpak --user override --env=GTK_THEME="$selected_theme" fi else echo "No $mode GTK theme found" fi if [ ${#icons[@]} -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$mode" == "Dark" ]; then selected_icon=${icons[RANDOM % ${#icons[@]}]} else selected_icon=${icons[$RANDOM % ${#icons[@]}]} fi echo "Selected icon theme for $mode mode: $selected_icon" gsettings set $icon_setting "$selected_icon" ## QT5ct icon_theme sed -i "s|^icon_theme=.*$|icon_theme=$selected_icon|" "$HOME/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf" sed -i "s|^icon_theme=.*$|icon_theme=$selected_icon|" "$HOME/.config/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf" # Flatpak GTK apps (icons) if command -v flatpak &> /dev/null; then flatpak --user override --filesystem=$HOME/.icons sleep 0.5 flatpak --user override --env=ICON_THEME="$selected_icon" fi else echo "No $mode icon theme found" fi } # Call the function to set GTK theme and icon theme based on mode set_custom_gtk_theme "$next_mode" # Update theme mode for the next cycle update_theme_mode ${SCRIPTSDIR}/WallustSwww.sh && sleep 2 # kill process for pid1 in kitty waybar rofi swaync ags swaybg; do killall "$pid1" done sleep 1 ${SCRIPTSDIR}/Refresh.sh sleep 0.5 # Display notifications for theme and icon changes notify-send -u low -i "$notif" " Themes switched to:" " $next_mode Mode" exit 0