#!/bin/bash # This script for selecting wallpapers (SUPER W) # WALLPAPERS PATH terminal=kitty wallDIR="$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers" SCRIPTSDIR="$HOME/.config/hypr/scripts" wallpaper_current="$HOME/.config/hypr/wallpaper_effects/.wallpaper_current" rofi_override="element-icon{size:${icon_size}px;}" # Directory for swaync iDIR="$HOME/.config/swaync/images" iDIRi="$HOME/.config/swaync/icons" # variables rofi_theme="~/.config/rofi/config-wallpaper.rasi" focused_monitor=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') # Get monitor width and DPI monitor_width=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r --arg mon "$focused_monitor" '.[] | select(.name == $mon) | .width') scale_factor=$(hyprctl monitors -j | jq -r --arg mon "$focused_monitor" '.[] | select(.name == $mon) | .scale') # Calculate icon size for rofi icon_size=$(echo "scale=1; ($monitor_width * 14) / ($scale_factor * 100)" | bc) rofi_override="element-icon{size:${icon_size}px;}" # swww transition config FPS=60 TYPE="any" DURATION=2 BEZIER=".43,1.19,1,.4" SWWW_PARAMS="--transition-fps $FPS --transition-type $TYPE --transition-duration $DURATION" # Check if swaybg is running if pidof swaybg > /dev/null; then pkill swaybg fi # Retrieve image files using null delimiter to handle spaces in filenames mapfile -d '' PICS < <(find -L "${wallDIR}" -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.jpeg" -o -iname "*.pnm" -o -iname "*.tga" -o -iname "*.tiff" -o -iname "*.webp" -o -iname "*.bmp" -o -iname "*.farbfeld" -o -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.gif" \) -print0) RANDOM_PIC="${PICS[$((RANDOM % ${#PICS[@]}))]}" RANDOM_PIC_NAME=". random" # Rofi command rofi_command="rofi -i -show -dmenu -config $rofi_theme -theme-str $rofi_override" # Sorting Wallpapers menu() { # Sort the PICS array IFS=$'\n' sorted_options=($(sort <<<"${PICS[*]}")) # Place ". random" at the beginning with the random picture as an icon printf "%s\x00icon\x1f%s\n" "$RANDOM_PIC_NAME" "$RANDOM_PIC" for pic_path in "${sorted_options[@]}"; do pic_name=$(basename "$pic_path") # Displaying .gif to indicate animated images if [[ ! "$pic_name" =~ \.gif$ ]]; then printf "%s\x00icon\x1f%s\n" "$(echo "$pic_name" | cut -d. -f1)" "$pic_path" else printf "%s\n" "$pic_name" fi done } # initiate swww if not running swww query || swww-daemon --format xrgb # Choice of wallpapers main() { choice=$(menu | $rofi_command) # Trim any potential whitespace or hidden characters choice=$(echo "$choice" | xargs) RANDOM_PIC_NAME=$(echo "$RANDOM_PIC_NAME" | xargs) # No choice case if [[ -z "$choice" ]]; then echo "No choice selected. Exiting." exit 0 fi # Random choice case if [[ "$choice" == "$RANDOM_PIC_NAME" ]]; then swww img -o "$focused_monitor" "$RANDOM_PIC" $SWWW_PARAMS; sleep 2 "$SCRIPTSDIR/WallustSwww.sh" sleep 0.5 "$SCRIPTSDIR/Refresh.sh" exit 0 fi # Find the index of the selected file pic_index=-1 for i in "${!PICS[@]}"; do filename=$(basename "${PICS[$i]}") if [[ "$filename" == "$choice"* ]]; then pic_index=$i break fi done if [[ $pic_index -ne -1 ]]; then swww img -o "$focused_monitor" "${PICS[$pic_index]}" $SWWW_PARAMS else echo "Image not found." exit 1 fi } # Check if rofi is already running if pidof rofi > /dev/null; then pkill rofi fi main wait $! "$SCRIPTSDIR/WallustSwww.sh" && wait $! sleep 2 "$SCRIPTSDIR/Refresh.sh" sleep 1 # Check if user selected a wallpaper if [[ -n "$choice" ]]; then sddm_sequoia="/usr/share/sddm/themes/sequoia_2" if [ -d "$sddm_sequoia" ]; then notify-send -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "Set wallpaper" "as SDDM background?" \ -t 10000 \ -A "yes=Yes" \ -A "no=No" \ -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:wallpaper-notify # Wait for user input using dbus-monitor dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='ActionInvoked'" | while read -r line; do if echo "$line" | grep -q "yes"; then # Check if terminal exists if ! command -v "$terminal" &>/dev/null; then notify-send -i "$iDIR/ja.png" "Missing $terminal" "Install $terminal to enable setting of wallpaper background" exit 1 fi $terminal -e bash -c "echo 'Enter your password to set wallpaper as SDDM Background'; \ sudo cp -r $wallpaper_current '$sddm_sequoia/backgrounds/default' && \ notify-send -i '$iDIR/ja.png' 'SDDM' 'Background SET'" break elif echo "$line" | grep -q "no"; then echo "Wallpaper not set as SDDM background. Exiting." break fi done & fi fi