# For window rules and layerrules # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Window-Rules/ for more # windowrule v2 - tags - add apps under appropriate tag to use the same settings # browser tags windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^([Ff]irefox|org.mozilla.firefox|[Ff]irefox-esr)$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^([Gg]oogle-chrome(-beta|-dev|-unstable)?)$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^(chrome-.+-Default)$ # Chrome PWAs windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^([Cc]hromium)$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^([Mm]icrosoft-edge(-stable|-beta|-dev|-unstable))$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^(Brave-browser(-beta|-dev|-unstable)?)$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^([Tt]horium-browser|[Cc]achy-browser)$ windowrulev2 = tag +browser, class:^(zen-alpha|zen)$ windowrulev2 = tag +notif, class:^(swaync-control-center|swaync-notification-window|swaync-client|class)$ # terminal tags windowrulev2 = tag +terminal, class:^(Alacritty|kitty|kitty-dropterm)$ # email tags windowrulev2 = tag +email, class:^([Tt]hunderbird|org.gnome.Evolution)$ windowrulev2 = tag +email, class:^(eu.betterbird.Betterbird)$ # project tags windowrulev2 = tag +projects, class:^(codium|codium-url-handler|VSCodium)$ windowrulev2 = tag +projects, class:^(VSCode|code-url-handler)$ windowrulev2 = tag +projects, class:^(jetbrains-.+)$ # JetBrains IDEs # screenshare tags windowrulev2 = tag +screenshare, class:^(com.obsproject.Studio)$ # IM tags windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^([Dd]iscord|[Ww]ebCord|[Vv]esktop)$ windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^([Ff]erdium)$ windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^([Ww]hatsapp-for-linux)$ windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^(ZapZap|com.rtosta.zapzap)$ windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^(org.telegram.desktop|io.github.tdesktop_x64.TDesktop)$ windowrulev2 = tag +im, class:^(teams-for-linux)$ # game tags windowrulev2 = tag +games, class:^(gamescope)$ windowrulev2 = tag +games, class:^(steam_app_\d+)$ # gamestore tags windowrulev2 = tag +gamestore, class:^([Ss]team)$ windowrulev2 = tag +gamestore, title:^([Ll]utris)$ windowrulev2 = tag +gamestore, class:^(com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl)$ # file-manager tags windowrulev2 = tag +file-manager, class:^([Tt]hunar|org.gnome.Nautilus|[Pp]cmanfm-qt)$ windowrulev2 = tag +file-manager, class:^(app.drey.Warp)$ # wallpaper tags windowrulev2 = tag +wallpaper title:^([Ww]aytrogen)$ windowrulev2 = tag +wallpaper, class:^([Ww]aytrogen)$ # multimedia tags windowrulev2 = tag +multimedia, class:^([Aa]udacious)$ # settings tags windowrulev2 = tag +settings, title:^(ROG Control)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(wihotspot(-gui)?)$ # wifi hotspot windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^([Bb]aobab|org.gnome.[Bb]aobab)$ # Disk usage analyzer windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(gnome-disks|wihotspot(-gui)?)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, title:(Kvantum Manager) windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(file-roller|org.gnome.FileRoller)$ # archive manager windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(nm-applet|nm-connection-editor|blueman-manager)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(pavucontrol|org.pulseaudio.pavucontrol|com.saivert.pwvucontrol)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(nwg-look|qt5ct|qt6ct|[Yy]ad)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:(xdg-desktop-portal-gtk) windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^(org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1)$ windowrulev2 = tag +settings, class:^([Rr]ofi)$ # viewer tags windowrulev2 = tag +viewer, class:^(gnome-system-monitor|org.gnome.SystemMonitor|io.missioncenter.MissionCenter)$ # system monitor windowrulev2 = tag +viewer, class:^(evince)$ # document viewer windowrulev2 = tag +viewer, class:^(eog|org.gnome.Loupe)$ # image viewer # POSITION # windowrulev2 = center,floating:1 # warning, it cause even the menu to float and center. windowrulev2 = center, title:^(Quick Cheat Sheet)$ windowrulev2 = center, class:([Tt]hunar), title:negative:(.*[Tt]hunar.*) windowrulev2 = center, title:^(ROG Control)$ windowrulev2 = center, title:^(Keybindings)$ windowrulev2 = center, class:^(pavucontrol|org.pulseaudio.pavucontrol|com.saivert.pwvucontrol)$ windowrulev2 = center, class:^([Ww]hatsapp-for-linux|ZapZap|com.rtosta.zapzap)$ windowrulev2 = center, class:^([Ff]erdium)$ windowrulev2 = move 72% 7%,title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ #windowrulev2 = move 72% 7%,title:^(Firefox)$ # windowrule v2 to avoid idle for fullscreen apps #windowrulev2 = idleinhibit fullscreen, class:^(*)$ #windowrulev2 = idleinhibit fullscreen, title:^(*)$ windowrulev2 = idleinhibit fullscreen, fullscreen:1 # windowrule v2 move to workspace windowrulev2 = workspace 1, tag:email* windowrulev2 = workspace 2, tag:browser* #windowrulev2 = workspace 3, class:^([Tt]hunar)$ #windowrulev2 = workspace 3, tag:projects* windowrulev2 = workspace 5, tag:gamestore* windowrulev2 = workspace 7, tag:im* windowrulev2 = workspace 8, tag:games* # windowrule v2 move to workspace (silent) windowrulev2 = workspace 4 silent, tag:screenshare* windowrulev2 = workspace 6 silent, class:^(virt-manager)$ windowrulev2 = workspace 6 silent, class:^(.virt-manager-wrapped)$ windowrulev2 = workspace 9 silent, tag:multimedia* # FLOAT windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Quick Cheat Sheet)$ windowrulev2 = float, tag:wallpaper* windowrulev2 = float, tag:settings* windowrulev2 = float, tag:viewer* windowrulev2 = float, class:([Zz]oom|onedriver|onedriver-launcher)$ windowrulev2 = float, class:(org.gnome.Calculator), title:(Calculator) windowrulev2 = float, class:^(mpv|com.github.rafostar.Clapper)$ windowrulev2 = float, class:^([Qq]alculate-gtk)$ #windowrulev2 = float, class:^([Ww]hatsapp-for-linux|ZapZap|com.rtosta.zapzap)$ windowrulev2 = float, class:^([Ff]erdium)$ windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ #windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Firefox)$ #windowrule v2 - float popups and dialogue windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Authentication Required)$ windowrulev2 = center, title:^(Authentication Required)$ windowrulev2 = float, class:(codium|codium-url-handler|VSCodium), title:negative:(.*codium.*|.*VSCodium.*) windowrulev2 = float, class:^(com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl)$, title:negative:(Heroic Games Launcher) windowrulev2 = float, class:^([Ss]team)$, title:negative:^([Ss]team)$ windowrulev2 = float, class:([Tt]hunar), title:negative:(.*[Tt]hunar.*) #windowrulev2 = float, class:(electron), title:(Add Folder to Workspace) windowrulev2 = float, title:^(Add Folder to Workspace)$ windowrulev2 = size 70% 60%, title:^(Add Folder to Workspace)$ windowrulev2 = center, title:^(Add Folder to Workspace)$ windowrulev2 = float, initialTitle:(Open Files) windowrulev2 = size 70% 60%, initialTitle:(Open Files) # OPACITY windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.7, tag:browser* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.8, tag:projects* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.94 0.86, tag:im* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.94 0.86, tag:multimedia* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.8, tag:file-manager* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.7, tag:terminal* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.7, tag:settings* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.82 0.75, tag:viewer* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.7, tag:wallpaper* windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.7, class:^(gedit|org.gnome.TextEditor|mousepad)$ windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.8, class:^(deluge)$ windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.8, class:^(im.riot.Riot)$ # Element matrix client windowrulev2 = opacity 0.9 0.8, class:^(seahorse)$ # gnome-keyring gui windowrulev2 = opacity 0.95 0.75, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ # SIZE windowrulev2 = size 65% 90%, title:^(Quick Cheat Sheet)$ windowrulev2 = size 70% 70%, tag:wallpaper* windowrulev2 = size 70% 70%, tag:settings* windowrulev2 = size 60% 70%, class:^([Ww]hatsapp-for-linux|ZapZap|com.rtosta.zapzap)$ windowrulev2 = size 60% 70%, class:^([Ff]erdium)$ #windowrulev2 = size 25% 25%, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ #windowrulev2 = size 25% 25%, title:^(Firefox)$ # PINNING windowrulev2 = pin, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ #windowrulev2 = pin,title:^(Firefox)$ # windowrule v2 - extras windowrulev2 = keepaspectratio, title:^(Picture-in-Picture)$ # BLUR & FULLSCREEN windowrulev2 = noblur, tag:games* windowrulev2 = fullscreen, tag:games* #windowrulev2 = bordercolor rgb(EE4B55) rgb(880808), fullscreen:1 #windowrulev2 = bordercolor rgb(282737) rgb(1E1D2D), floating:1 #windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.8, pinned:1 # LAYER RULES layerrule = blur, rofi layerrule = ignorezero, rofi layerrule = blur, notifications layerrule = ignorezero, notifications #layerrule = ignorealpha 0.5, tag:notif* #layerrule = ignorezero, class:^([Rr]ofi)$ #layerrule = blur, class:^([Rr]ofi)$ #layerrule = unset,class:^([Rr]ofi)$ #layerrule = ignorezero, #layerrule = ignorezero, overview #layerrule = blur, overview