# This is where you put your own keybinds. Be Mindful to check as well ~/.config/hypr/configs/Keybinds.conf to avoid conflict # See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/ for more settings and variables # See also Laptops.conf for laptops keybinds # /* ---- ✴️ Variables ✴️ ---- */ # $mainMod = SUPER $files = thunar $term = kitty $scriptsDir = $HOME/.config/hypr/scripts $UserScripts = $HOME/.config/hypr/UserScripts # common shortcuts #bindr = $mainMod, $mainMod_L, exec, pkill rofi || rofi -show drun -modi drun,filebrowser,run,window # Super Key to Launch rofi menu bind = $mainMod, D, exec, pkill rofi || true && rofi -show drun -modi drun,filebrowser,run,window # Main Menu (APP Launcher) bind = $mainMod, B, exec, xdg-open "http:// &" # default browser bind = $mainMod, A, exec, pkill rofi || true && ags -t 'overview' # desktop overview (if installed) bind = $mainMod, Return, exec, $term #terminal bind = $mainMod, E, exec, $files #file manager # FEATURES / EXTRAS bind = $mainMod, H, exec, $scriptsDir/KeyHints.sh # help / cheat sheet bind = $mainMod ALT, R, exec, $scriptsDir/Refresh.sh # Refresh waybar, swaync, rofi bind = $mainMod ALT, E, exec, $scriptsDir/RofiEmoji.sh # emoji menu bind = $mainMod, S, exec, $scriptsDir/RofiSearch.sh # Google search using rofi bind = $mainMod ALT, O, exec, $scriptsDir/ChangeBlur.sh # Toggle blur settings bind = $mainMod SHIFT, G, exec, $scriptsDir/GameMode.sh # Toggle animations ON/OFF bind = $mainMod ALT, L, exec, $scriptsDir/ChangeLayout.sh # Toggle Master or Dwindle Layout bind = $mainMod ALT, V, exec, $scriptsDir/ClipManager.sh # Clipboard Manager bind = $mainMod CTRL, R, exec, $scriptsDir/RofiThemeSelector.sh # Rofi Menu Theme Selector bind = $mainMod CTRL SHIFT, R, exec, pkill rofi || true && $scriptsDir/RofiThemeSelector-modified.sh # modified Rofi Theme Selector bind = $mainMod SHIFT, F, fullscreen # whole full screen bind = $mainMod CTRL, F, fullscreen, 1 # fake full screen bind = $mainMod, SPACE, togglefloating, #Float Mode bind = $mainMod ALT, SPACE, exec, hyprctl dispatch workspaceopt allfloat #All Float Mode # Waybar / Bar related bind = $mainMod CTRL ALT, B, exec, pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar # Toggle hide/show waybar bind = $mainMod CTRL, B, exec, $scriptsDir/WaybarStyles.sh # Waybar Styles Menu bind = $mainMod ALT, B, exec, $scriptsDir/WaybarLayout.sh # Waybar Layout Menu # FEATURES / EXTRAS (UserScripts) bind = $mainMod SHIFT, E, exec, $UserScripts/QuickEdit.sh # Quick Edit Hyprland Settings bind = $mainMod SHIFT, M, exec, $UserScripts/RofiBeats.sh # online music using rofi bind = $mainMod, W, exec, $UserScripts/WallpaperSelect.sh # Select wallpaper to apply bind = $mainMod SHIFT, W, exec, $UserScripts/WallpaperEffects.sh # Wallpaper Effects by imagemagick bind = CTRL ALT, W, exec, $UserScripts/WallpaperRandom.sh # Random wallpapers bind = $mainMod CTRL, O, exec, hyprctl setprop active opaque toggle # disable opacity on active window bind = $mainMod SHIFT, K, exec, $scriptsDir/KeyBinds.sh # search keybinds via rofi bind = $mainMod SHIFT, A, exec, $scriptsDir/Animations.sh #hyprland animations menu bind = $mainMod SHIFT, O, exec, $UserScripts/ZshChangeTheme.sh # Change oh-my-zsh theme bindn = ALT_L, SHIFT_L, exec, $scriptsDir/SwitchKeyboardLayout.sh # Change keyboard layout bind = $mainMod ALT, C, exec, $UserScripts/RofiCalc.sh # calculator (qalculate) # pyprland (This is not available in Debian and Ubuntu) bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Return, exec, pypr toggle term # Dropdown terminal not avail Debian and Ubuntu bind = $mainMod, Z, exec, pypr zoom # Toggle Desktop Zoom # For passthrough keyboard into a VM # bind = $mainMod ALT, P, submap, passthru #submap = passthru # to unbind #bind = $mainMod ALT, P, submap, reset #submap = reset